Historical Research

English History

The Lives of the Rural Poor in 19th Century England

Female Sexuality and Single Motherhood in 19th Century Rural England

Backwoods Horror in 19th Century Devon

A Witchcraft-Infested Land: Demythologising England’s Rural Past

Reports on Witchcraft in 19th and early 20th Century English Newspapers

Urban Music in 18th Century London

The ‘Fishwives’: Women who swore and fought

The English Drinking Culture: A Brief History

The War on Pubs: A Brief History

On the English Love of Swearing

The English Love of Gambling: A Brief History

The Irreligiosity of the English: A Brief History

Culinary History

Hot Peppers and Hot Sauces in the English Cookery of the 17th to 19th Centuries

The English Origins of Sweet Potato Pie

The English Origins of the Southern ‘Mess of Greens’

The English Origins of Chitlins, Pig Feet, and other ‘Soul Food’ Variety Meats

The English Roots of Southern Barbecue

What the Planters Ate: Recollections of 19th Century Plantation Foods

Beyond the Planter Society: The Food of 19th Century Rural White Southerners

Fried Chicken in Colonial Virginia: Assessing the Evidence

The French (and English) Origins of Southern Fried Chicken

On the Purported Scottish Origins of Southern Fried Chicken: A Myth Debunked

On the Supposed Influence of ‘West African seasoning techniques’ in the Historical Development of Southern Fried Chicken: A Myth Debunked

On the Obscure Origins of Buttermilk Fried Chicken

Contemporary ‘Southern Fried Chicken’: A 20th Century American Invention, Rooted in European Culinary Traditions

On the Supposed Southern Origins of Cheese Straws: A Myth Debunked

The History of Devil(l)ed Eggs: From Britain to the South

The History of ‘Sweet Tea’: From Russia to the South

Southern History

The Survival of Old English Speech Ways in the American South

How I reckon ‘I reckon’ became a ‘Southern’ expression

Folk Beliefs

Witch Bottles in English and American Folk Magic

Love Powders in British and American Folk Magic

British influences in Black Southerners’ folk beliefs

The European Roots of African American Crossroads Magic

About Edmund Standing

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